#jwapedia: For whom are you thankful?
Today we're kicking off a third round of #jwapedia, JWA's campaign to tweet the online version of Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia.
This time around, we want to know for whom you're thankful. To participate, tweet about a woman from the Encyclopedia for whom you're thankful.
Just include a link to her article in the Encyclopedia and the hashtag "#jwapedia." If you already have a woman in mind, find her Encyclopedia article using the search function on jwa.org. If you don't have someone in mind, try browsing the Encyclopedia by keyword; when you find someone you want to share, you can use the "Share this" button at the top right corner.
If you don't have Twitter, today is a great day to sign up! You can also participate by sharing a link on Facebook instead.
Follow the campaign and see what other folks have tweeted by clicking here.