Efraim Zadoff
Efraim Zadoff, a historian and Secular Humanist rabbi, is the Spiegel Felow at The Finnkler Institute of Holocaust Research at Bar-Ilan University. An expert in Jewish history in Latin America in the 20th century and in the attitudes of Latin American countries towards Jews during the Shoah, he received an MA from the Institute of Contemporary Jewry of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a PhD from Tel Aviv University. He is co-editor on Latin American Jewry of the new edition of the Encyclopaedia Judaica, a member of AMILAT – Research Association of Latin American Jewry, and co-editor of Judaica Latinoamericana – Estudios históricos, sociales y culturales. He is also the editor and publisher of Enciclopedia de la historia y la cultura del pueblo judío (1998) and SHOÁ – Enciclopedia del Holocausto (2004), both in Spanish.