Ava Cohen

Ava Cohen Headshot

Ava Cohen is a senior at Berman Hebrew Academy and lives in Baltimore, Maryland. She is the captain of mock trial and the president of her school’s LGBTQ+ club, where she works to help create a safe space for other queer students within her modern Orthodox school. She can almost always be found in middle of at least one knit or crochet project and enjoys spending her free time reading, talking with friends, playing with her dog, and diving into obscure pieces of history. 

Blog Posts

collage with text, hands, and hearts

The First Time I Studied Gemara, I Learned About Inclusivity

Ava Cohen

The amount of page time devoted to questioning a ruling that diminishes the status of deaf people represented, to me, that these rabbis recognized that physical limitations should not keep people from following the mitzvot.  

Topics: Talmud, Prayer
Collage of "The Believer"

Wrestling with God and Neo-Nazis

Ava Cohen

What’s frightening about 2001 film, "The Believer,"  is that struggling with the idea of God as all-powerful is far from a unique experience.

Collage of Shulamit Aloni on patterned blue and white background

Is It Possible to Be A Left-Wing Zionist?

Ava Cohen

While it may not be exactly the case right now, there have been many people in Israel’s short history that have gone against the grain to form progressive parties in the government, like Shulamit Aloni.

Topics: Zionism, Activism
Collage of Twitter bird on blue sky background

Twitter Taught Me How to Love Judaism

Ava Cohen

Jwitter, or Jewish Twitter, helped me reshape how I viewed my place in a Jewish community.


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How to cite this page

Jewish Women's Archive. "Ava Cohen." (Viewed on May 14, 2024) <http://jwa.org/blog/author/cohen-ava>.